
inglés búlgaro checo

Kirilova Tanya

Well traveled person myself, I am fascinated by the unique aura of Prague and I take great pride in bringing it to life for my guests by giving them a real insight into all places of historic importance and a scoop on arts and architecture, Czech cuisine and beer, shopping tips and, of course, a glimpse of my very special attitude to Prague. I speak English, Czech and Bulgarian.


Oblíbené prohlídky

Crucero de una hora por el río Moldava

Crucero de una hora por el río Moldava

FD Visitas guiadas en grupo para agencias de viajes y colegios

FD Visitas guiadas en grupo para agencias de viajes y colegios

Český Krumlov

Český Krumlov

Informace o průvodci


  • 166/2006 Licensed Prague Guide
  • Licensed Czech Republic Guide
  • Church monuments and history in Prague Certificate
  • Golf Tourism Certificate
  • Tourism Marketing Certificate

Stranky pruvodce: