
Inglese Bulgaro Ceco

Kirilova Tanya

Well traveled person myself, I am fascinated by the unique aura of Prague and I take great pride in bringing it to life for my guests by giving them a real insight into all places of historic importance and a scoop on arts and architecture, Czech cuisine and beer, shopping tips and, of course, a glimpse of my very special attitude to Prague. I speak English, Czech and Bulgarian.


Oblíbené prohlídky

Città vecchia e sinagoghe

Città vecchia e sinagoghe

Il castello di Praga in dettaglio

Il castello di Praga in dettaglio

Kutna Hora (UNESCO)

Kutna Hora (UNESCO)

Informace o průvodci


  • 166/2006 Licensed Prague Guide
  • Licensed Czech Republic Guide
  • Church monuments and history in Prague Certificate
  • Golf Tourism Certificate
  • Tourism Marketing Certificate

Stranky pruvodce: